Apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus is an inexpensive but effective treatment for treating infections even in the most advanced cases. But on the basis of apple cider vinegar, a wide variety of compounds are prepared that have a detrimental effect on fungal colonies. To achieve a quick replacement of the affected nail plate with a new one, you need to take into account all the features of the application of the folk method.
Effects of apple cider vinegar on fungus
Nail fungus or onychomycosis is a difficult disease to treat. Fungal spores can be infected in any public place where humidity is always high and warm is maintained. The microorganism easily enters the subcutaneous layers through cracks in the skin, abrasions and scratches. Usually, the fungus begins its activity on the skin, causing itching, redness, burning, and flaking.
Mycosis causes a decrease in local immunity, which leads to the rapid spread of the fungus along the foot and to its penetration into the thickness of the nail bed. Onychomycosis develops gradually and the manifestations of the disease are largely determined by the type of fungus.
The affected nail at first becomes dull, grayish, then gradually it begins to thicken, expands in width. Over time, the nail plate begins to crumble and break, there is soreness around the bed, an unpleasant odor.
All changes in onychomycosis can affect both the entire nail and its edges or the area located in the growth zone. In advanced cases, a fungal infection from one nail spreads to neighboring ones and passes to the other leg. The easiest way to treat nail fungus is at the very initial stage of pathology. If the disease is detected in time, then you can only do with the use of external antifungal agents, and folk methods at an early stage of onychomycosis are no less effective in comparison with pharmaceutical preparations.
Applying apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus can kill parasites. The use of recipes based on apple vinegar leads to the fact that an acidic environment is created in the thickness of the nail and under the plate itself, which has a detrimental effect on the spores of the parasite. An increase in acidity causes the process of reproduction and further growth of the fungus to be interrupted.
Apple cider vinegar also has antiseptic and disinfectant properties, which makes it useful for preventing fungal infections. Prevention of the disease is necessary in cases where nail fungus is found in a family member.
External use of apple cider vinegar in pure form or in combination with additional components will allow relatives not to get infected during the period when the main "source" of fungal spores is being treated.
Fungus Treatment Options with Apple Cider Vinegar
How to treat the identified onychomycosis depends on the stage of infection? In advanced cases, external agents should be combined with oral administration of antifungal drugs prescribed by a dermatologist. Using only ointments, lotions or folk methods will not bring benefits, especially if changes in the nail bed on the legs have been observed for several years.
To cure a fungal infection with apple cider vinegar, you can use various remedies prepared on the basis of this product. It can be lotions, ointments of different composition, foot baths. It is imperative to strictly observe the proposed recipe, since an increase in the amount of vinegar or additional components can cause irritation of the skin around the nail, pain, and burns.
Apple cider vinegar bath
Trays with the addition of various components with antifungal activity are widely used against toenail fungus. Apple cider vinegar is also one of them.
The bath is easy to prepare. It is necessary to warm up two to four glasses of apple cider vinegar and pour it into a basin, after which the legs are immersed in the liquid. The effectiveness of treatment increases when several conditions are met:
- Before the procedure, the legs must be washed, all dead cells must be removed. The affected nails should be steamed and part of the nail plate should be cut off.
- The duration of the bath is from 10 to 15 minutes.
- The first week of treatment, baths should be done twice a day. Then the procedure is carried out once every three days.
- Do not rinse your feet after the vinegar bath. They can only be dried with a towel and put on cotton socks on top.
Pure apple cider vinegar can cause severe burning. Especially if there are wounds on the feet. To reduce sensitivity, you can dilute it with water in a 2: 1 ratio.
Apple cider vinegar against nail fungus is also used as a base for compresses. The simplest compress is to moisten a cotton pad in vinegar and then fix it to the affected nail. There are other options for lotions:
- Apple cider vinegar in the amount of two tablespoons should be mixed with regular soda so that a pasty mixture is obtained. It is applied to the nail, covered with a tampon on top and fixed with a fingertip or cling film.
- Apple cider vinegar is mixed in equal proportions with glycerin or vegetable oil. In the resulting solution, the disc is moistened and placed on the affected nails. It is best to fix the compress with cling film, and you can put on a sock on top. The Apple Glycerin Blend is also ideal for lubricating the entire foot. This application of the solution softens rough skin, kills all microbes, promotes softening of corns and can be used when onychomycosis is combined with mycosis, that is, with a fungus affecting the surface of the skin.
- Vinegar with iodine. Three drops of alcoholic tincture of iodine should be dripped onto a tablespoon of apple essence. The resulting medicine is applied to the entire surface of the nail, then the finger is wrapped in polyethylene, and the compress is fixed with a plaster. You can also use iodine as a separate ingredient to fight fungus.
Compresses with apple cider vinegar on the nail must be kept for at least three hours, and it is better to do the procedure at night, and remove the bandage in the morning. The nail bed becomes softer under the influence of the lotion components, so it can be easily cut off.
For nail fungus, it is recommended to use ointments containing apple cider vinegar as the main ingredient.
- One hundred grams of crushed Kalanchoe leaves should be combined with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 10 grams of liquid honey and 30 grams of eucalyptus oil. The prepared mixture is kept in a dark place for three days, after which it can be used to lubricate the nail affected by the fungus.
- Two tablespoons of apple essence should be mixed with equal amounts of dimethyl phthalate, glycerin and olive oil. The resulting ointment is applied to the nail, on top to enhance the effect, the finger can be wrapped with cling film. In the morning, the foot and nails are well washed with water and laundry soap.
Nail ointment can be applied twice a day. Treating nail fungus with apple cider vinegar will be effective if the nails are steamed before the procedures and their large, thickened part is cut off. But it must be remembered that in advanced cases, even pharmaceutical preparations with high antifungal activity for topical application will not help if their use is not combined with systemic antimycotic medicines.
Treatment of nail fungus is a long process that takes from several weeks to one and a half to two years. And the complete destruction of the fungus can be achieved if the intake of drugs and their external treatment of nails are used throughout the entire period of therapy without interruption.