Many people ignore changing the toenails, underestimating possible danger. Onychomycosis (scientific name of nail fungus) is not a cosmetic defect but a medical problem. Constant exposure to toxins, which produces a fungus that causes chronic poisoning of the body. As a result – fatigue, weakness, disorders in the immune system. Not to mention that affected fungal nails do not look aesthetically pleasing and disgust in others.

How dangerous is onychomycosis?
Itching, burning sensation and discomfort fungal infections of the skin provoked by contact of the epidermis with mycotoxins. Those alien to the human body substances have toxic properties that cause inflammation and disrupt the metabolism of the skin cells.
With the defeat of nail plates such symptoms are less pronounced. Unpleasant itchy feelings arise only in advanced cases when the fungus "gets" to the tissues under the nail plate. The fungus lives in the nail and propagated, releasing the poison into the surrounding tissue. The body is suffering from poisoning, only toxins get in in smaller amounts than in ringworm.
Launched onychomycosis is accompanied by cracking and damage to the skin around the nail is the entry gate for other infections. Perhaps the appearance of the festering wounds, does not exclude the infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Long-term coexistence with the fungus, ends with onycholysis – destruction of the fingernails. The new plates do not grow back, leaving the surface unprotected fingers. Tissue under the fingernails are not adapted to the friction, pressure, contact with the environment. Man without toenails pain. Wearing shoes is torture. Appear insecurities and complexes.
Onychomycosis is more difficult to cure than fungal skin diseases. The nail plate is more dense, and its base is inside the dermis. The fungus is able to spread out their disputes to eliminate that difficult, even with powerful drugs
How to notice problems with the nails?
Bacilli are found only in the upper layer of the plate. It is possible to notice the bright dots and spots, light heterogeneity of structure, lack of natural Shine.
The development of nail fungus
In the second stage, the infection penetrates the nail. This is manifested by the change of its color, shape, structure. Nail plate exfoliates, thickens, loses elasticity and becomes brittle. When nail cutting breaks down and crumbles.
Third, advanced stage is characterized by complete changes in the structure and appearance of the nail. It becomes whitish, yellow or greenish, loses transparency. Plate repeatedly thickens, trimming becomes difficult. Form the nail bed changes – it appears bumps and lumps. At the last stage, there are other signs of a fungal infection – itching, soreness and burning, cracks, and burrs on the cuticles. Often the fungus "spreading" on the skin and nails next. In this case the dryness, itching and hyperkeratosis appear on the soles and between the toes. In the absence of adequate treatment, the damaged matrix of the nail, it dies and disappears.

Onychomycosis easier to treat in the early stages of development. In order to notice changes in the nail plate for a pedicure is better to use a colorless nail Polish. Weekly should be a "revision" of toenails – carefully to examine them, to trim, apply a new coat of varnish.
To start the treatment of nail fungus it is necessary as early as possible. Ideally – since the appearance of the spots. Spread spores of the fungus throughout the nail plate affects the speed of its growth. Affected nails grow slowly, which also complicates the treatment process. The nail can be considered cured after 1-2 months after complete replacement of the plate on others. The longer the regeneration process – the greater the cost of therapy.
For the selection of drugs should consult a doctor. The treatment of fungal infections does a dermatologist. The specialist will determine the degree of neglect of onychomycosis and prescribe a special tests. Laboratory examination of a scraping from the affected nail will help to identify the type of fungus and its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. Treatment of specific drugs guarantees complete destruction of the infection and relapse prevention. If you choose the wrong remedy, its application has no effect. Under the guidance of a dermatologist treatment will be faster and more efficient
The process of medical treatment needs to be monitored. In the process of use of drugs the fungus is able to adapt to them – to acquire resistance (resistance). Weak cure only "euthanized" the infection. Visual recovery does not exclude the possibility that the spores of the infection are left in the plate. As soon as people stop treatment, the fungus again aktiviziruyutsya.
Treatment of onychomycosis involves the use of means of the local actions. It solutions, ointments, gels, pastes, varnishes. They act on the surface of the skin and nail plate, killing the fungus. In advanced cases require the use of antifungal means for systemic effects – capsules or tablets. Sometimes in the complex therapy include vitamins and immune stimulant.
Drugs or traditional medicine: what to choose?
The practice of traditional medicine recommend dozens of different recipes against onychomycosis. Very often they use food, herbs and pharmacy products from the group of antiseptics. These "medications" have fungicidal activity. They are not able to kill the fungus. Within the limits of the people's compositions is to stop it from multiplying. This will allow you to grow a healthy nail plate. However, inside it will be the spores of the fungus, which aktiviziruyutsya after the end of treatment.

The use of popular recipes from onychomycosis, it is advisable solely in the first stage of its development. When running the form the treatment will be very long and will not give sustainable results.
For the treatment of nail fungus, you should pick up a special drug. However, the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a universal means – fungistatic and fungicidal substances of broad spectrum. Some of them are able to kill more than 10 strains of fungi at the same time. With the goal of preventing chronicity of onychomycosis during treatment it is better to replace the drug 2-3 times. In advanced cases the local actions are not enough. Guarantee cure will give only a comprehensive approach – taking pills and using topical treatments.
If you break the treatment plan, to administer drugs or folk medicines periodically, not to bring the treatment to end nail fungus stays where it was. Moreover, the infection will be stronger and it will be worse to resist the influence of fungicidal substances.
How to prepare the nail?
The treatment of onychomycosis on big toe is quite problematic. Here the large, dense and thick nail plate. On a large uniform area, the fungus reproduces and spreads faster. The affected nail sometimes reaches 5 mm in thickness, which hinders the penetration of drugs.
Preparation for treatment
Before the use of drugs or traditional medicines, the patient plate should be a special way to prepare:
- thoroughly wash your feet and nails with gloves or antibacterial soap;
- put feet in a basin of hot (bearable temperature) soda-saline solution (1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 salt) for 10-15 minutes;
- wet feet personal towel;
- the maximum cut free edge;
- file down the affected nail plate before the advent of sensitivity;
- dry feet in the air and begin treatment with medication.

Such manipulations have to be repeated weekly until removing all the affected parts of the nail.
Before treatment, you should prepare a few pairs of new socks, separate towel for the feet. In the course of their use need to be washed as often as possible, be sure to iron iron. Handy vial of formaldehyde, as well as a large package of cotton wool. Before starting therapy should be wetted 2 ball of cotton wool in the solution and place them in the shoes. Shoes should be wrapped in a package and put up for the night on the balcony. In the morning remove the cotton and ventilated shoes for 2-3 hours. Such processing is carried out on a weekly basis. After a full treatment of fungus regular and indoor shoes should be replaced.
Choose the medicine
Turning to the pharmacy for anti-fungal remedy, you need to ask drugs specifically from the nail fungus. Standard ointments and creams can not penetrate into the deeper layers of the nail. For the treatment of onychomycosis suitable drugs in the form of solutions and special varnishes.
The solutions were applied on the nail twice a day – morning and evening, after hygienic treatment of feet. The tool was dropped on lunula (light area at the base) and under the free edge of the plate. In the first month of treatment better along the way treat the skin on the whole finger, as well as the neighboring nails. Rinse or wash solutions is not necessary.
Therapeutic varnishes are applied 1-2 times a week. After drying, the filler forms a dense layer on the surface of the nail, which operates around the clock against the fungus.
Treatment by national methods more inconvenient. Some funds must be prepared to apply at a certain time, cover with plastic wrap, rinse. Doing all these procedures should be every day, 2-3 times a day. Below are the most simple and affordable traditional treatments of nail fungus.
- The tea tree oil. It has antibacterial and antifungal activity. You can apply only with good endurance. The ether used in its pure form. 3 times a day applied to the prepared nail. Put a drop on the base and under the plate. Treatment is continued until full regrowth of the nail.
- Iodine. Pharmacy alcoholic solution of iodine applied to the nail twice a day, all the processing its surface with a cotton swab. Of the shortcomings – staining of the plates and the skin around them.
- Vinegar. Apple cider or wine vinegar, soak a bit of cotton. It is put on the nail, covered with polyethylene, fix with a bandage or plaster. Leave for influence for 3-4 hours, then remove the bandage and wash away the remnants of vinegar. When treatment is necessary to follow to avoid burns on the skin. With good endurance bandage is applied overnight.
Other known means of grated garlic and onion-honey mixture, the slurry of propolis and alcohol, a mixture of aloe juice and mustard. All of these drugs can be used for mild cases of fungus. Dermatologists recommend people use the money exclusively, in addition to medication.
How long to wait for the result?

The duration of treatment is individual. The terms depend on the degree of fungal attack, its area, the presence of complications in the form of ringworm or immunodeficiency. From mild fungus on the big toe you can get rid of 3-4 months. Deeper lesions have to be treated for about six months. In severe cases, the treatment lasts up to a year. Even after complete cure of onychomycosis remains a risk of recurrence of the infection. To exclude it, it is necessary to apply a preventive measure, regularly and efficiently to care for your feet.
When excessive sweating, you should use talcum powder, special deodorants. Shoes must be treated with antifungal solutions, to periodically change the insoles, efficiently to dry in the open air. The same principles should be applied for the prevention of onychomycosis. Key point – using individual shoes, socks and towels in public areas (bath, sauna, pool, massage).
Running to cure fungal disease folk remedies, it is important to know that is afraid of nail fungus. Depends on the success of intensive therapy, and clinical outcome. The main thing – to stop the pathologic process of propagation of the infection, to stop the attack. To productively win the nail fungus folk remedies, you need to consult a dermatologist and be diagnosed, to begin intensive therapy